Spring 2025 - Warhawk Business Plan Competition

The Business Plan Competition was started in the spring of 2007 by a small group of dedicated CEO members with one idea in mind, to push student entrepreneurs forward by providing them with a means to realize their ideas and goals.  The University of Wisconsin CEO chapter competition is a live event with live judges, some of whom are angel investors (just like Shark Tank!). The contest is open to students of all majors.  At least one person in the team must be a full-time student at UW-Whitewater. The Warhawk Business Plan Competition was originally modeled after the Governor’s Business Plan Competition, where a simple idea is taken and developed into a full business plan by the end of the semester.


Warhawk Business Plan Competition - April 9, 2025 (5:15pm-7:15pm)

Location: Whitewater University Innovation Center

1221 Innovation Dr, Whitewater, WI 53190


1ST PLACE - $1,250 (Tuition credit)

2ND PLACE - $1000 (Tuition credit)

3RD PLACE - $750 (Tuition credit)

Stage One – SUBMISSION OF Executive Summary & VIDEO*

Due Date Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Stage One is a preliminary stage during which a summary of your idea will be evaluated. You will have an opportunity to revise your plans based on feedback from Stage One if you advance to Stage Two.

In Stage One, contestants should provide:

  • A 3-page written Executive Summary of your business idea. The Executive Summary should include:

    • Description of products and/or services

    • Description of customers

    • List of management team members

    • Marketing metrics

    • Estimated revenues/revenue model

  • A 2-minute video explaining the elements of your Executive Summary, posted to YouTube

You will be judged on the following criteria:

  • Clearly identified problem/need 

  • Innovative/effective solution to address problem/need

  • Clearly articulated business model

  • Market/niche identified

  • Key competitors and competitive advantage identified

  • Sustainable revenue model

  • Use of professional skills in writing and video

All plans are to be typed, using a minimum of a 12-point font.

The plans will be judged based on viability of enterprise; originality; market potential; completeness; mechanics; attractiveness as an investment or donation.

Applicants are highly encouraged to use software such as LivePlan to aid in the development of their business plan.

Submit executive summary and video link to ceo@uww.edu


Stage Two – submission of complete business plan and video

Due Date Monday, March 31, 2025

In Stage Two, finalists will be required to submit a full business plan for judging prior to the final pitch event.  Stage Two submissions should more definitive of your plans and past efforts, and should show evidence that you have refined your concept further.

Stage Two, contestants should provide:

  • A 12-page (maximum plus any appendices) written plan containing the following:

    • Cover Page

    • Tale of Contents

    • Executive Summary

    • Description of product or service

    • Description of customers and customer needs

    • List of management team members and their qualifications

    • Analysis of market including size, competitors and go-to-market plans

    • Pro forma financials including monthly revenue model and cash flow statement for three years

  • A 2-minute video explaining the elements of your plan, posted to YouTube.  This may be a revised version of the video that reflects any additional efforts or developments since the original submission

Judges will be directed to use the following criteria to evaluate written plans as a part of final scoring.

  • Clearly identified problem/need 

  • Innovative solution to problem/need

  • Business model clearly articulated

  • Market/niche identified including channels for access to market

  • Key competitors and competitive advantage identified

  • Sustainable business model

  • Any ask for resources, including financial, human and networking

  • Professional presentation skills

The plans will be judged according to viability as an enterprise; originality; market potential; completeness; mechanics; attractiveness as an investment or donation.

All plans are to be typed, using a minimum of 12-point font.

Applicants are highly encouraged to use software such as LivePlan to aid in the development of their business plans.

Submit plan  and video link to ceo@uww.edu


Wednesday, April 9, 2025 5:15pm-7:15pm

Location - Whitewater Innovation Center  1221 Innovation Drive, Whitewater, WI

Those contestants selected for Stage Two will also compete in Stage Three

Pitch Competition details.

  • Pitches will be made by up to 6 contestants selected from Stage One.

  • Each contestant/team will receive 6 minutes to pitch startup

  • Contestants will be required to stop their presentations at exactly 6 minutes.

  • Only one team member from the startup organization may pitch

  • Multiple team members may participate in question and answer period, which will immediately follow each presentation.  Judges will have up to five minutes to pose questions.

  • Contestants will be assigned a booth/table where (if they choose) they may discuss their startup ideas with the public and judges prior to the presentations.

  • Business attire is required.

  • The judges will be successful entrepreneurs and investors who have significant experience in evaluating startup plans.

  • Judges will use the following criteria to judge the candidate’s pitches.  Review of the written plans will also be included in the scoring.


Presentation Content (35 points): Identify the market, problem, product/service and how it solves the problem, market niche, market size, competitors, competitive advantage, milestones to date, and any additional resources needed. Provide an informative and convincing summary/argument for providing resources to contestant to further their startup plans.

Presentation Delivery (10 points): Articulate, good posture, eye contact, hand gestures, well prepared, convincing, and confident, does not exceed 6 minutes.

Evaluation of Business Idea from Written Plan (55 Points):   See criteria listed above for Stage Two.

Judges will use a scoring sheet provided by the UWW CEO administrative team. Scores will be tallied at the conclusion of each presentation during the Competition.  The order of finish is strictly at the discretion of the judges

* University of Wisconsin-Whitewater CEO Faculty advisors may admit applicants to the Warhawk Business Plan competition at their discretion after posted deadlines (e.g. based on in-class performance).